Since long ago scientists have been trying hard to show up the core of glaucoma. To its understanding we needed to penetrate gradually to its molecular level.
 Topics on glaucoma include the epidemiologic aspects; hereditary and genetic factors; intraocular pressure and aqueous humor dynamics; and clinical evaluation, medical management and surgical therapy.
 management of the glaucoma patient/approach to the patient; principles of medical therapy; adrenergic agonists and antagonists; cholinergic stimulators and hyperosmotic agents; and neuroprotection and other investigational drugs.

The blog examines new technologies for intraocular pressure assessment and current diagnostic technologies such as optical coherence tomography, spectral domain optical coherence tomography, Heidelberg retinal tomograph, and GDx. Noted experts detail advances in surgical treatment of glaucoma including new glaucoma implants and angle surgery. Coverage also includes advances in genetics of glaucomatous diseases.